Halal & Muslim Friendly Standard

Halal Cert product

Halal-ya offers many selections of Halal-certified and Muslim-friendly products.

For Halal-certified products, we have certificates for each product by manufacturer. Click on the link below to view the certificates in PDF format.





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Muslim Friendly product

In Japan, a non-Muslim country, food is not manufactured according to the standards of Muslim countries, but according to the rules of food production in Japan.

We, Halal-ya, with our experience and knowledge of the food manufacturing industry and Japan Halal Certification standard , has established the following rules regarding Muslim friendly standards.

All our decision makings are determined by the reply from manufacturers.


What we ask for them are mainly two parts.


1. Ingredients 

These are the ingredients which we carefully check if they are contained.

Products using these five derived ingredients will not be introduced.

 Pork Lard
Chicken Beef
Alcoholic Beverage


2. Contamination:

We have established these three criteria for contamination.

 No contamination

 Clean up
the process line



For contamination , we use symbols to indicate the criteria.

 ✕: No contamination ●: Clean up
the process line 
△: Unknown



With respect to Muslim-friendly products, manufacturers may change ingredients and specifications without notice. If you are concerned, please contact us in advance.

Please review information before making your own purchasing decision.